Website Content Freelance Writer
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content writingI often hear on the Internet that "content is king." I tend to disagree with that statement, that content alone carries a website. Content can certainly help to propel it, but a good design and layout helps keep the surfer riveted on the page. Design placed correctly can assist in guiding the reader's eye to the text found there.

Most web surfers do not read all the text, they skim it, mostly looking for words they can identify with to see if the website is conducive to what their needs are. A good professional writer understands this and by using their skills effectively, the writer can provide those important words and thus reinforce the purpose of the website within the text.

content writingUsing only a few key words and keeping the paragraphs short, will allow the reader to stay interested not bogging them down in unnecessary details. Knowing when and where to place keywords that will allow the search engines to lock in and drive traffic to the different pages makes for a more efficient website. An effective use of titles plays an important role in regards of placement in the various search engines.

Part of the reason to use a professional writer is they have the knowledge needed to reach the desired audience. Teaming with a designer, creating a clear map to where the owner of the website wishes to go, a writer can create the correct pathway and target the audience of choice.

Knowing how many keywords to use and when, the writer can reinforce the purpose of the website thus bringing about a polished viable piece. It works, and it is symmetry.